BATOP社はドイツのイエナ大学から生まれた、2003年設立の革新的な会社です。専門領域は低温分子線エピタキシー、誘電帯スパッタコーティング、ウエハープロセスとチップマウントテクノロジーです。パッシブレーザモードロック向け過飽和吸収ミラー(アブゾーバーミラー)の分野において世界のリーディングサプライヤーです。主な製品として過飽和吸収体ミラー(SAMシリーズ)、吸収型アウトプットカプラー(SOCシリーズ)、 透過型アプリケーション向け過飽和吸収体(SAシリーズ)があります。これらの過飽和吸収体は、波長800nmから2.6μmの間の主要な波長で供給可能です。BATOP社はお客様のニーズに合った製品の供給に努め研究開発・製品の改善に多くの時間を費やしています。
- THzタイムドメインスペクトルメータとは:
- We offer a compact table-top terahertz time-domain spectrometer TDS10XX with our spectrometer software T3DS for the frequency range 0.05 – 4 THz. The spectrometer allows transmission and reflection measurements in a nitrogen purged sample compartment. An additional imaging scan unit with fiber coupled antennas can be used for reflection or transmission measurements on large objects
- 【THz spectrometer TDS10XX】
- The benchtop THz spectrometer TDS10XX is easy to use and meant for laboratories where material characterization shall be performed in the THz region. The spectrometer comes with an internal sample compartment (which can be purged with nitrogen) or external fiber-coupled antennas. Both setups can be used to conduct transmission and reflection measurements with a collimated or focused THz beam. The TDS10XX is controlled via USB using a laptop with the pre-installed T3DS software package.
- ・Data sheet for TDS10XX system (pdf)
- ・Flyer THz Spectrometer (pdf)
【Pre-assembled Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometer】
The pre-assembled THz systems are designed to use a fs laser provided by the customer. The beam paths for the emitter and detector antennas will be pre-aligned on an optical breadboard. Therefore, it is only required to feed the laser beam into the optical setup. Hence, the system is designed for customers who are familiar with optical setups but may not be as familiar with THz spectrometers. The linear stage and the data acquisition system are controlled using the T3DS software package that comes pre-installed on a laptop.
We provide spectrometers for pulse lasers with 780 nm, 1060 nm and 1560 nm wavelength with the following parameters:
- ・Pulse duration: ~ 100 fs
- ・Repetition rate: 50 – 100 MHz
- ・Average optical power: ~ 40 mW
If you are familiar with the principles of THz time-domain spectrometers and have a fs laser you may choose a THz kit to build your own system. BATOP will provide you with the software, the signal generator, the data acquisition unit, the time delay stage and the THz antennas. We can also give you advice on the necessary parts to build the THz spectrometer yourself. The linear time delay stage and the data acquisition system are controlled using the T3DS software package that is included on a DVD or can be installed on a separate laptop.
We provide spectrometers for pulse lasers with 780 nm, 1060 nm and 1560 nm wavelength with the following parameters:
- ・Pulse duration: ~ 100 fs
- ・Repetition rate: 50 – 100 MHz
- ・Average optical power: 30 mW (free space antennas), 40 mW (fiber coupled antennas)
Please note that the THz specifications strongly depend on the laser wavelength and the chosen antenna type.
Hence, please see the antenna data sheets for more information.