BATOP社はドイツのイエナ大学から生まれた、2003年設立の革新的な会社です。専門領域は低温分子線エピタキシー、誘電帯スパッタコーティング、ウエハープロセスとチップマウントテクノロジーです。パッシブレーザモードロック向け過飽和吸収ミラー(アブゾーバーミラー)の分野において世界のリーディングサプライヤーです。主な製品として過飽和吸収体ミラー(SAMシリーズ)、吸収型アウトプットカプラー(SOCシリーズ)、 透過型アプリケーション向け過飽和吸収体(SAシリーズ)があります。これらの過飽和吸収体は、波長800nmから2.6μmの間の主要な波長で供給可能です。BATOP社はお客様のニーズに合った製品の供給に努め研究開発・製品の改善に多くの時間を費やしています。
- ピコ秒レーザー評価キット(PSFL1030)とは:
Use of the evaluation kit
The evaluation kit PSFL1030 allows the realization of different picosecond fiber laser configurations at 1030 nm wavelength using a saturable absorber mirror (SAM) as nonlinear optical device for passively mode-locking and standard fibers in the laser cavity. The active fiber is Yb doped. The fiber laser design can be changed easily to study the influence of certain elements on the laser output signal.
The discussion of experimental results supports the understanding of important phenomena in a passive mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser. The user gets the needed knowledge to construct its own ps fiber laser setup at 1030 nm.The following fiber laser configurations can be realized using the evaluation kit PSFL1030:
- ・Passive mode-locked ps fiber laser with a saturable absorber mirror (SAM)
- ・Use of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) as output coupler
- ・ps oscillator + fiber amplifier combination
- ・Continuous wave fiber laser at 1030 nm wavelength
- ・Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) broadband emitter.
Parts of the evaluation kit PSFL1030:
The evaluation kit contains all components to build and run a picosecond fiber laser at 1030 nm wavelength including the 980 nm pump laser diode and the laser diode controller.
To measure the laser output parameters besides the evaluation kit PSFL1030 the following additional equipment is needed for the proposed laser experiments:
- ・Optical power meter to measure the average laser output power
- ・Fast photo diode to trace the time dependent laser output signal
- ・Oscilloscope 200 MHz for measurement the photodiode output signal
- ・Optional: OSA (Optical Spectrum Analyzer) to measure the spectral intensity
- ・Optional: Autocorrelator for pulse duration measurements